Palmistry Consultation
30 minute Palmistry Consultation -$40
Palmistry has been used to reveal deeply seated traits in Humans for 1000’s of years. Find out what this powerful art has to reveal in your palms.
Did you know your palm changes over time?
Even if you have had your palm read, you may be due for another one. Your palms can change as quickly as a few months depending on that circumstances in your life. Check out these palms that are taken 6 years apart, notice how some lines have faded and others have grown stronger. This set of palms show a person that has started to travel more frequently and may be forming homes in two different locations. It also shows a faded jealousy line, indicating this person may be more self confident and secure emotionally. There are also growth and length added to the inner realm lines. This would suggest the person has developed a practice or lifestyle that allows them to dive deeply into a meditative state. The life path line has also grown longer, which suggests the person is forming a distinct career or life path that is
What CAN Palmistry tell you?
Your palm will reveal traits that affect how you interact with the world around you.
Some of the traits we will be looking over:
- Emotional tendencies
- Mental patterns
- Vitality and longevity
- How you express yourself
- Long term expressions and personality
You have an active hand that will give us information about where you are right now. Your passive hand will reveal influences from your childhood. The hand that you write with is your active hand. So if you are ambidextrous, the hand with a stiffer thumb is your active hand.
What Palmistry CANNOT tell you?
Palmistry cannot predict the future. Think of palm reading a journal that tells us where you have been and what your mental and physical traits are that contribute to your experience.
You will not find out how many children you will have. Nor will you find out about your demise. You won’t even find out how rich you will get or when that money comes flowing into your hands. Despite these mysteries remaining as so, you will gain a wonderful insight into your personality.
Any palmist that tells you these types of promises are preying on emotion and vulnerability. Be cautious of any palm reader that makes claims that seem to good to be true. Use your judgement and intuition if palm reading is right for you on your path of healing.
What to expect during your Palmistry Consultation?
First, send a clear picture of both of your hands, include from the base of the palm to the finger tips. Make sure there are no shadows or blurry areas that will obstruct reading.
During your Consultation we will look over the photos you sent. We use Zoom so you can see which lines and features the reader is looking at. You will get an email with your palm marked in colored lines for clear understanding. Below are examples of clear images but both are cutting off the length of the fingers. This prevents us from learning what the lengths of your fingers have to tell us.
How Can Palmistry compliment your Ayurvedic Consultation?
Did you know that Palmistry and Ayurveda both originate from India. These sciences have been used together for over 4000 years. Palmistry reveals your personality as it is now. This helps give more depth to your Ayurveda consultation because you personality affects everything you do. Your palm will tell us if you struggle with routines, how much energy you have, and how determined you are. We can also see if you like to be comfortable or if your are ok trying new things. The way you think can reveal how much information you need to support that protocol you are receiving. We can also see is you are emotionally balanced and what factors may be causing your frustration. When considering your meditations and breathing exercise, we will look at how focused your mind tends to be. See how your palm reading can help to create your ideal Ayurvedic protocol.